Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First day of classes

This is the bakery where we stop to get breakfast and bread and sometimes a snack. We're here it seems almost every day haha.

We started our classes today and we had our first one at 8am. We hiked all the way out to the university (it's about a thirty five minute walk from our house) just to find out that this class doesn't exist. It's held on a different day at a totally different building. Unfortunatley for us, our advisor told us the wrong place, day, and time, so we all came all the way out there just to find that out.

So, we spent the morning at market and walking around town and running little errands, and then went all the way back to the school for our afternoon French history class. It was very difficult to understand the professor, and during the semester she is having us give a 20 minute oral presentation (on Napoleon, of course!), write an 8-10 page single spaced paper, a midterm exam and a final. Um, no thanks! A lot of the classes here have virtually no work during the semester and then just a final. Obviously, your whole grade rides on that one test, but I would prefer that to having so much intensive French history work!

Hopefully we will have better luck tomorrow becuase we are probably going to drop this history class which would mean that we don't have any Monday or Tuesday classes. It just makes me a bit nervous that our first day went so badly! Ah! We'll have to see tomorrow!

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